Easily track and manage missed calls

“As a strong believer in Technology, everything we do is predicated on Digital and the phone system we picked through Voicelytics meets that criteria. When you are a start-up looking to compete with the bigger players, Agility and Innovation is key.”


A recognised Canstar provider of financial services, Freedom Lend was looking for a provider that was able to provide a solution for managing and tracking missed calls going into the organisation.

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A recognised Canstar provider of financial services, Freedom Lend was looking for a provider that was able to provide a solution for managing and tracking missed calls going into the organisation. Management expressed their frustration early on not being able to dive into an undiscoverable portion of ‘missed calls’ due to the lack of functionality available from their existing service provider. No second was spared, and Management had initiated an extensive search for a new provider during the early inception phase of the business.

“As a strong believer in Technology, everything we do is predicated on Digital and the phone system we picked through Voicelytics meets that criteria. When you are a start-up looking to compete with the bigger players, Agility and Innovation is key.”

Will innovation reshape & disrupt the future of the financial services industry?

Voicelytics provided Freedom Lend with the Analytics Dashboard enabling them to view and monitor all types of calls, in ‘real-time’. Miss Call Information provided staff with the opportunity to systematically follow-up with Customers or potential customers.

Features aside, Freedom Lend found that Voicelytics has been more of a Partner than a Provider. “Voicelytics already provides us greater Utility than what other Telcos can provide on the market, but more importantly, there is no greater satisfaction than working with a Business that is genuinely mindful about your success.” – Mark Huynh – Managing Director

website: www.freedomlend.com.au

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