Care Family Clinic

Care Family Dental was looking for a provider that would enable them to scale and grow.


A Feature-rich provider offering complex yet simple Business Communication services across our geographically challenged sites

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A Feature-rich provider offering complex yet simple Business Communication services across our geographically challenged sites

An established Family Dentist servicing across Melbourne, Care Family Dental was looking for a provider that would enable them to scale and grow. As a consolidated entity that grew organically over time, different branches adopted different Communication Technologies leaving individual clinics to operate as silos. Management also identified certain locations being busier than others and wanted to do something about it.

Disruptive innovations will have a huge impact on how dentistry will be practiced, placing greater emphasis on prevention

Voicelytics introduced a comprehensively tailored Call Routing program that enabled smarter communications across the geographically dispersed Clinic sites. With the introduction of ‘Smart Routing’ and Analytics, Management of Care Family Dental were able to effectively monitor real time caller information and make decisions about staff resourcing. Further, Management also utilised data from the Voicelytics Dashboard to determine how to best devote their resources based on Customer preferences.

“Voicelytics was able to offer us vastly more features than our previous provider. In conjunction with insights from the Analytics Suite, our missed call rates have dropped significantly.” – Jayson Do – Group Managing Director


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